Preguntas frecuentes

Preguntas frecuentes


How do I become a member?

Just click on the “Log In or Register” button at the top of every page and you will see a “Register” box on the right. Choose a username and then fill in your email address and choose a password. Click the “Register” button and that’s it! You can immediately start taking courses. Make sure you note down your username and password so you can log back in to continue your courses.

How do I change my password?

If you are logged into the site, in the menu, click on the “My Account” link.

That will take you to your account page where, just under the “My Account” banner, you will see link text that says “edit your password and account details.” Click on that link and it will take you to the “Edit Account Details” page. There you can update your name, email address and change your password.

How do I get a certificate for a course?

All of our courses offer certificates of completion. When you have completed your course, you will have the option to take a final exam. If you pass the final exam with a 75% or higher score, you will have the option of purchasing a certificate for $9.95 USD from our secure store.